5 Tips for a Blissful Life
Living a blissful life is a conscious decision. And no matter what challenges may come our way, if we choose to live blissfully, it becomes possible for us.
Here are some ideas to help you get started:
1. Try something out of the ordinary
Try new things once in a while. It will teach you to go out of your comfort zone and learn how to appreciate new things. I love doing this with my son. Since almost everything is new to him, I end up joining him and being a kid all over again. I haven’t flown a kite in forever, so it was extra fun assembling one and launching it in the sky with him.
2. Don’t stop investing in yourself
Read a book, take classes and training whether in person or online. Get a mentor, it will help accelerate your growth as a person. Never stop challenging yourself. Don't allow yourself to stagnate. Keep your mind fresh and you'll see how it keeps the other aspects of your life feeling fresh and rejuvenated as well.
3. Take care of your health
There's no better way to practice self-love than by taking care of your health. Take your supplements, exercise, hydrate, and eat right. Moreover, health is not just about being free from sickness, it's also about having enough energy so you can always live life to the fullest. Take achievable baby steps and get motivated by an increase in energy which is exactly what we all need!
4. Savor each moment with your loved ones
Our children grow up so fast, don't they? Always be grateful and let the people you love know that you’re grateful for them. Be present -- mentally, physically, emotionally present in the moment. I don’t know when I started being physically present while my mind wanders off thinking of all the things that need to be done. Other times I’m preoccupied with my phone. Choose to do one thing at a time.
5. Pay it forward.
Be generous not just in terms of monetary contributions but in sharing love and support with others because that’s how we can have more good in the world.
Kindness is priceless. It doesn’t cost a thing yet it can mean so much more than anything material wealth can buy. Be kind to oneself and those around us. I will make a conscious effort to teach my kids about it both in words and deeds.
The Challenge
These are just a few great ways to stay happy and blissful no matter what happens in life.
Is there anything here that resonates with you? Is there a habit you said you would start/break that you haven’t?
I invite you to choose one of these and try it out to see if it does make a positive difference for you and those you love.
I wish you have a blissful life everyday!